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Europe’s sourcing of verified tropical timber and its impact on forests: What Next? (2)

Sander Teeuwen, Mark van Benthem, Jan Oldenburger, Sven van Best & Guus Beerkens (Probos), Rachel Butler (GTF), December 2021

If Europe sourced 100% verified sustainable tropical timber products, it would have positively impacted over 16 million hectares of semi and natural tropical forests and reduced CO2 emissions significantly in 2020.

These are key findings from the latest study ‘Europe’s sourcing of verified tropical timber and its impact on forests: What Next?’, a third in a series, commissioned by IDH - The Sustainable Trade Initiative. This new study analyses the level of verified sustainable tropical timber imports and extends the recommendations that go beyond increasing demand for verified sustainable timber products.

Promoting The Lesser Known

Sietze van Dijk, Mark van Benthem, Joyce Penninkhof (Probos), Andries van Eckeveld (Innovita), December 2020

Best Practice Guide to successful introduction of lesser known timber species

This Best Practice Guide “Promoting The Lesser Known” is an outcome of the project ‘Market introduction of Surinamese Lesser Known Timber Species (LKTS) in Europe’. The aim of the project is to strengthen sustainable management of Suriname tropical forests by: i) bringing more balance in the forest composition and the tree species to be harvested; ii) increasing the economic value of these forests and iii) creating a market for quality timber in line with its potential uses.

Providing insights in certification schemes for sustainable forest management in Gabon

Mark van Benthem, Sietze van Dijk, Suzanne Stas, October 2020
Client(s): Union des Forestiers et Industriels du Bois du Gabon (UFIGA)

In 2018, Gabon’s president announced that all forest concessions in the country should be certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) standard by 2022. A challenging ambition. Since the announcement, the forest sector in Gabon has been strongly mobilised, aiming at gathering and sharing of knowledge and information on the various certification schemes for sustainable forest management.

Report: Understanding sustainable secondary tropical wood products through data

George White (GTF), Mark van Benthem (Probos), Jan Oldenburger (Probos) & Sander Teeuwen (Probos), October 2020

Commissioned by:
IDH, the Sustainable Trade Initiative

If the EU27+UK would source 100% verified sustainable tropical timber products, it would positively impact over 18 mill ha semi and natural tropical forests and reduce CO2 emissions by at least 100 million metric tons. These are the main findings of our latest market data report developed with the Global Timber Forum and IDH, the Sustainable Trade Initiative, breaking new ground regarding secondary timber products.

Unlocking Sustainable Tropical Timber Market Growth Through Data

George White (GTF), Mark van Benthem, Jan Oldenburger & Sander Teeuwen (Probos), November 2019

Between 25% and 32% of the primary tropical timber imported into the EU28 was exposed to sustainable timber certification, reveals the latest Probos and GTF Tropical Timber Market Data report. There exist great room for improvement and this number demands decisive action by all stakeholders.

The seven main importing countries (Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Italy, United Kingdom, Germany and Spain) together represent approximately 90% of the EU28 primary tropical timber product import. The concentration of imports in these seven countries provides a strong lever for change. A rapid shift towards sustainable timber could have wide-ranging consequences for the world’s tropical forests.

Soil compaction and deformation in forest exploitation

Jasprina Kremers & Martijn Boosten, december 2018

A literature review on causes and effects and guidelines on avoiding compaction and deformation.

For the Dutch summary of the report, click here.

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