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Providing insights in certification schemes for sustainable forest management in Gabon

28 November 2020

Mark van Benthem, Sietze van Dijk, Suzanne Stas, October 2020
Client(s): Union des Forestiers et Industriels du Bois du Gabon (UFIGA)

In 2018, Gabon’s president announced that all forest concessions in the country should be certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) standard by 2022. A challenging ambition. Since the announcement, the forest sector in Gabon has been strongly mobilised, aiming at gathering and sharing of knowledge and information on the various certification schemes for sustainable forest management.

Within the framework of FLEGT IP (EU) and FLEGT-Certification (PPECF Comifac) projects, the Union des Forestiers et Industriels du Bois du Gabon (UFIGA) requested Probos to compile objective information to more easily inform stakeholders, both from the forest based industry and representatives from government and (public) institutions in Gabon, about the development and concept of forest certification, the forest certification schemes that are relevant for Gabon, the results of existing comparative analyses on certification standards for Gabon, the costs and benefits of certification and the appreciation of certified timber products in consumer markets.


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