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International partners


ATIBT promotes the development of a sustainable, ethical and legal industry of tropical timber as a natural and renewable resource, essential for the socio-economic development of producing countries.

Commerce du Bois

Le Commerce du Bois (LCB), the professional association of French companies involved in national and international trade in wood products: wood importers, planers, agents and specialist traders.


Fedustria (non-profit association) arises from the merger of former non-profit-associations Febeltex and Febelbois and represents the companies of the Belgian textile, woodworking and furniture industries.

Danish Timber Trade Federation

The Danish Timber Trade Federation represents the interests of the leading timber importing companies in Denmark.

The purpose of the federation is to undertake its members’ collective interests, including joint action in negotiations with a.o. authorities and with foreign and domestic organizations.


Just as we depend on forests, forests depend on us. At the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) we unite individuals, businesses, governments, and NGOs under a common goal: protecting healthy, resilient forests for all, forever.


As an umbrella organization, PEFC endorses national forest certification systems that have been developed through multi-stakeholder processes and tailored to local priorities and conditions. But PEFC also does so much more...

Rainforest Alliance

The Rainforest Alliance is an international non-profit organization working at the intersection of business, agriculture, and forests to make responsible business the new normal. We are building an alliance to protect forests, improve the livelihoods of farmers and forest communities, promote their human rights, and help them mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis.

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is the main source of development financing for Latin America and the Caribbean. IDB provides financial and technical support to national and sub-national governments and other entities in the region and conduct cutting-edge research. That is how IDB drives progress in health, education, infrastructure, climate action and diversity, among other fundamental issues, to reduce poverty and improve lives in the region.

Pilot Projects

Pilot Projects is a systems thinking and design partnership that co-creates sustainable solutions to complex challenges in global systems, cities and the natural environment.

Tropenbos International

Tropenbos International envisions a future in which communities equitably benefit from the sustainable use of forests in thriving and climate resilient landscapes.

Our mission is to make knowledge work for people and forests: to help develop and apply locally owned, evidence-based solutions that improve the inclusive and equitable governance and management of forested landscapes in the tropics, for the benefit of local sustainable development, biodiversity and our climate.

Wageningen University & Research (WUR)

Wageningen University & Research is a collaboration between Wageningen University and the Wageningen Research foundation.

Environmental Services & Support (ESS)

Environmental Services & Support N.V. (ESS) is a registered consultancy firm, established in Suriname in 2005. For public and private sector clients, we implement multidisciplinary projects that require ‘green’ as well as ‘grey’ environmental expertise. We combine expertise that is available in Suriname and globally, and we put it to work.

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Stichting Probos
P.O. Box 253
6700 AG Wageningen
The Netherlands

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