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Visie op de houtoogst

11 June 2013

The forst and timber industry, united in the Platform Hout Nederland (PHN, Platform Timber Netherlands), has developed a vision together with the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality on timber production and harvesting in the Dutch forest.

With this vision, the government, forest owners and the wood processing industry want to ensure that more and better use is made of the wood that grows in our forests.

In this day and age, when we pay a lot of attention to sustainability in our society, sustainable management of forests is high on the international and national agenda. In addition to social and ecological attention, sustainability also means strengthening the economic function of the forest. Timber harvesting is one of the few economic activities that directly generates money, which is necessary to make forest management truly sustainable.

With this "Vision of timber harvest", the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and the Platform Hout Nederland want to increase attention to the timber production function in forest policy and management. The Vision provides the basis for the forest and timber industry to set up and develop activities together with the government to stimulate the sustainable use of our forests.

Author(s): Nico Leek
Year of publication: 2005
Number of pages: 24
Price: Sold out


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