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Probos lezing - "Keepers of Time?"

11 April 2013

An exploration of cultural heritage issues in British woods and forests.

Tim Yarnell is the cultural historian of the Forestry Commission, a respectable organisation for her policy and management in the field of cultural history.

The attention for cultural history has a way longer tradition in Great Brittain than in the Netherlands, which is why we can learn greatly from them. Tim Yarnell provided a 20 minute lasting presentation on the symposium of April 1st, but during this Probos lecture he had one and a half hour to discuss the Forest Commission’s experience with cultural history.

The lecture took place in the beautiful lecture hall of the State Monument ‘Schip van Blaauw’ in Wageningen (Generaal Foulkesweg 72). The building is designed by D.J. Blaauw and forms a remarkable example of the architectural style of the Amsterdamse School of the beginning of the 20th century.


KEEPERS OF TIME? , Tim Yarnell

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