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Probos Foundation offers internships on a regular basis to Dutch as well as international Forest- and Nature Conservation students from Wageningen University (WUR) or other university studies. During your internship you get one central research project that you can work on independently. In addition, you are involved in a diverse array of projects that are being conducted at that moment. This way, we make sure that you get working experience on all the different fields of work of Probos. Of course we take into account your personal preferences. For a thesis you can knock on our door if you already have a topic, but you are also welcome if you are still looking for a topic. Of course the topic or theme has to be in line with the fields of work that Probos is working in. Expenses are being paid, but no internship fee will be given.

If you are interested in an internship or thesis at the Probos Foundation, send an email to Joyce Penninkhof at least two months in advance. Please tell us about your motivation to do your internship or thesis at Probos and what you would like to do. Also let us know when you internship of thesis starts and when it ends as well as which professor will be supervising you. Based on an initial interview it will be decided whether or not we have a suitable internship or thesis spot for you. 

About Probos

Foto Mariska Massop klein formaat Small

The Probos Foundation is committed to creating a healthy living environment for people and nature. Healthy and resilient forests are crucial for achieving this goal. Probos always puts the forest first and works tirelessly on promoting sustainable forest management and forest extension both in the Netherlands and worldwide.

Probos excels at signalling new developments, identifying knowledge gaps, developing and collecting associated knowledge and the translation of this knowledge into practical tools for policy makers, forester and nature conservationists and organisations operating in the timber market.

Probos is a knowledge institute that was established in 1965. The team consists of motivated professionals who primarily focus on four fields of works, each with their own challenging goals.

1. Data provisioning:
  Probos is the data authority in the field of forests and forest products.
2.  Climate-smart forestry:
  Probos develops and makes available practical (forest management-related) knowledge and tools contributing to climate-smart and resilient forests.
3. More forests and trees:
  Probos contributes substantially to the forest extension ambition (realisation by means of both active afforestation and spontaneous forest expansion), by developing and sharing knowledge, tools, experiences and best practices. Not only in the fields of forest and planting material, but also in terms of spatial integration, land use combinations and costs and benefits.
4. Sustainable value chains and valuing forest ecosystem services: 
  Probos contributes to forest conservation and to increasing the area of demonstrably sustainably managed forests globally by:
- Increasing the market share of sustainably produced timber and other wood products in the Netherlands and Europe;
- Increasing the value of forests by developing income from products and services other than timber (non-timber forest products).

Probos is a non-profit organisation without fixed sources of funding. The team works on a project basis and combines a business attitude with the ideal of promoting sustainable forest management. Connections with other fields of work come to be by working together intensively with different organisations.

A Supervisory Board supervises the financial policy and general state of affairs of the foundation. An Advisory Board gives Probos content-related and strategic counsel.

Post address

Stichting Probos
P.O. Box 253
6700 AG Wageningen
The Netherlands

T +31 317  466 555
E This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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