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Robin Zwijgers | Advisor

28 September 2022
 T  +31 317 46 65 69
 E  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read more about: his projects and publications

As an advisor within Probos, Robin mainly works in the field of data provision. Making readable graphs from complicated data: that's what he likes. Especially when this data helps in discussions about forest management views.

His favorite tree or forest? “A pine forest on the sandy soils on a warm, dry summer day. As far as I'm concerned, an underrated forest type. A warm gust of wind with the smell of sand and pine in these woods takes me back to the holidays and summer camps of my youth.”

After an interesting bachelor's degree, Robin opted for something that better suited his interests: Dutch forests. While studying Forest and Nature Conservation at WUR, he noticed that this was the right decision and wrote his thesis at Wageningen Environmental Research (WEnR). To this end, he conducted a data analysis using data from the Dutch National Forest Inventory (NBI) to investigate issues about forest owners and timber harvesting. He completed his Master with an internship at Bosgroep Zuid-Nederland where he improved the height growth function of a forest growth model based on the NBI data. Together with his interests in current affairs and developments surrounding Dutch forest management, this provided a good basis for his work at Probos.

Post address

Stichting Probos
P.O. Box 253
6700 AG Wageningen
The Netherlands

T +31 317  466 555
E This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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